
Showing posts from September, 2019


Synthetic Gemstones are made in laboratories or factories, not in rocks. They have virtually the chemical composition and crystal structure as natural gemstones, so their optical and physical properties are very similar. However they can usually be identified by the differences in their inclusions. Many gemstones have been synthesized in the laboratory, but only a few are produced commercially – generally for industries and scientific purposes. Making Synthetic: Man has tried to replicate gemstones for thousands of years, but it was not until the late 1800s than any substantial success was achieved. In 1877 French chemist Edmond Fremy grew the first gem – quality crystals of reasonable size and the around 1900 August Verneuil devised his technique to manufacture ruby. With a few modifications, the Verneuil “flame – fusion” method is still in use today. The powered ingredients are dropped into a furnace and melt as the fall through a flame hotter than 2,000°C (3,630°F),

COLOR KEY-its role in finding a real gem.

When identifying a gemstone, a gemologist will want to hold it, feel it, and examine it from all angles. This is done to assess the appearance of the stone: the luster, the color, and any other features. A hand-held lope may be used to search for scratches and flaws on the surface which may give an indication of hardness, while a scratch inside the stone may reveal characteristic inclusions. These features may be unique to one gem, but further tests may be necessary to identify synthetic or imitation stones. From this initial examination, however, the gemologist should know which tests to perform. HOW THE COLOR KEY WORKS: This key puts all gems into one of seven color categories, though color varieties within some species may appear is more than one. Each color category is divided into three sections: gems that are always that color, gems usually that color, and gems sometimes that color. Many gems appear the same color, but can be distinguished when viewed with a spe

RUBY -Stone Of Love,Success and Command

                            Persian Name : Shab-e-Chiraagh Hindi Name : Mank. Latin Name : Ruber Kolaal Urdu Name : Yaqoot. English Name : Ruby  Introduction of Ruby:                                      Ruby is known to be the king of the precious stone. Ruby is highly precious and eye capturing gem stone. Its original color is similar afireing color of coal and blood color of a pigeon. Ruby is available in all colors from Light red ( pink) to Dark blood red color because of chromium in it. Ruby is considered as the symbol of Faith, Attachment and friendship.  Sayings about Ruby: Ruby is also used by Queen Victoria and Shahanshah Iran . The ring which was given by Hazrat Imam Ali (A.S) as charity during Rakoo was a Ruby ring. Hazrat Imam Jaffer-e-Sadiq Ali (A.S) anecdote that wearing Ruby can dispel Mendicancy. Similarly, Hazrat Imam Musa Raza (A.S) said that: “It is beneficial to wear Ruby and it a