RUBY -Stone Of Love,Success and Command

                           Persian Name: Shab-e-Chiraagh

Hindi Name: Mank.

Latin Name: Ruber Kolaal

Urdu Name: Yaqoot.

English Name: Ruby

 Introduction of Ruby:

                                     Ruby is known to be the king of the precious stone. Ruby is highly precious and eye capturing gem stone. Its original color is similar afireing color of coal and blood color of a pigeon. Ruby is available in all colors from Light red (pink) to Dark blood red color because of chromium in it. Ruby is considered as the symbol of Faith, Attachment and friendship.

 Sayings about Ruby:

Ruby is also used by Queen Victoria and Shahanshah Iran.
The ring which was given by Hazrat Imam Ali (A.S) as charity
during Rakoo was a Ruby ring.
Hazrat Imam Jaffer-e-Sadiq Ali (A.S) anecdote that wearing
Ruby can dispel Mendicancy.
Similarly, Hazrat Imam Musa Raza (A.S) said that:
“It is beneficial to wear Ruby and it also dispel Mendicancy.
Hazrat Abu Abdullah (R.A) said that:
“Wearing Ruby is a virtuous act.”
Many poets have used ruby to resemble facial features of their loved ones.


  Origin of Ruby:

 Ruby form in volcanic rocks and in the rocks which are form due to pressure. Best quality Red and brownish Ruby are originated from Myanmar, Thailand and nearby areas.

The rubies originated from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam are light in colors, whereas those rubies which are originated from India, America, Russia, Australia and Norway are darker in color and sometimes impure as well.

Ruby’s Ruling Planet:                                                                        Ruby’s ruling planet is “Mars”, so the ones who have mars in negative or weak position in their birth charts can wear ruby for improvement and they will get rid from the negative effects of mars. Beside them the one who have mars as ruling planet of their stars (like Aries & Scorpio) can also wear ruby. Ruby is one of the precious stone therefore you must require consultancy from any astrologer before wearing it.

Spiritual Healing of 

Ruby:                                                                Ruby stone fulfills the desires of its wearer. Ruby keeps the wearer calm and away from devilish odds. Wearing Emerald is reason of Respect. Its use increases self-esteem and intelligence. Its wearer has the ability to compete until the end, it generates heat in the body and brings recording changes. Ruby’s Ruling Planet is Mars so the one who feels demotivated and face opposition gets motivation through it and they feel confident that they can use their inner strength, courage and self-esteem. Also develop confidence to cope with difficult situations. Ruby is also use to keep love young in married life. The ruling Arabs or Persian believes that ruby give strength and power to mind. Ruby protects the air from being badly deadly forever. If worn near the eyes then all the grievances are removed. Reduces thirst and strengthen the heart.

Medical Healing of 


               Ruby’s extremely low dose can cure epilepsy, madness, plague and blood clotting. Ruby cleanses the blood and brings the pulse rate to the same state (normal state).Ruby always safe from calamities like plague and misery. Ruby strengthen the stomach and mind. It abandons the blood and strengthen the soul also remove dullness.

Gem Certification:
You can also get the verified certificate from “JAWA GEMS” to determine the Specific properties, gem quality and Certification of its originality. you can visit our website Jawa Gems Website  for more information and to get Ruby gemstone,Ruby rings ,Ruby pendents ,Ruby  Bracelets and also for Ruby Gem Test Reports


  1. I want highly quality of ruby

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